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Some Frequently Asked Questions... and Answers!

What is the difference between kinesiology and personal training?

A kinesiologist goes beyond what a personal trainer can do - their scope of practice is typically bigger, so they are able to work with more populations and provide more modalities of exercise. Kinesiologists have formal training at a post-secondary level, so they are able to provide more detailed exercise prescription and assessments to clients.

Do you provide in person sessions?

Yes, I provide in-person sessions at Active Solutions Health + Sport clinic in Ladysmith, BC. These sessions can include all services outlined on the services page, and many more! If you are interested in in-person sessions at this clinic, please visit their website for information and to book!


What can I expect from my session?

Initial sessions will include a health history overview, goal setting, physical activity guideline education, a form of health or exercise assessments, and finally exercise prescription! Initials normally last ~60-75min.

Subsequent sessions can be 60min or 30min in length and can provide progressions of exercises, further goal setting, or motivational tools to continue your exercise journey.

Is kinesiology covered under extended health insurance?

Not always. Some insurance companies will cover kinesiology services. Best thing to do is check with your insurance company just in case! If your extended health does not cover kinesiology, then reach out to us and we can provide some forms that you can submit to your insurance to request coverage!


All services are NOT direct billed though, so you will need to submit for reimbursement. 

How do I complete payments for sessions?

You will be sent an invoice after your session or service is completed! This is all done through QuickBooks. You can complete your payment online or by e-transfer!

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